UPCMET Uttar Pradesh Combined Medical Entrance Test

Uttar Pradesh Combined Medical Entrance Test (UPCMET) 2016


Schedule for UPCMET – 2016 is revised as follows

1. Last Date for Submission of Application Form: Saturday 30 April, 2016

2. Date of Entance Exam : UPCMET – 2016 : Saturday, 14 May, 2016

UPCMET 2016 conducted by U.P. Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association (UPUMCWA)

  • Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association is a consortium of unaided medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh formed under the directions of the Supreme Court judgment in Islamic Academy of Education Vs State of Karnataka
  • Association has been registered under the Societies Registration Act (Act 21 of 1860), Registration No. 346/2006-07 dated 20.07.2006.
  • Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association is an authority to conduct Common Entrance Test for admission in the MBBS Course (First Year) of Member Colleges in the Academic Session 2016-2017.
  • The name of entrance test is –  Uttar Pradesh Combined Medical Entrance Test (UPCMET).
  • Merit List declared by the UP Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association on  the basis of UPCMET is a pre-requisite for admission in member
  • Merit List declared by the UP Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association is valid for admission to all Member Colleges.

UPCMET 2016 Mode of Admission Process:

UPUMCWA is conducting UPCMET-2016 for admission in M.B.B.S. (First Year 2016-17) for and on behalf of member colleges in compliance with order of Hon’ble Apex court and Hon’ble Allahabad High Court Lucknow Bench vide Writ Petition No. 4265 (MB) 2006, writ petition No. 276(MB)2007 & writ petition No. 5939(M/S) 2012. Admission will be done as per the merit list prepared in the manner mentioned in this brochure on the basis of marks secured in the above UPCMET-2016.

Reservation shall be applicable as notified by the Govt. and enforced at the time of Counselling. For this purpose OBC Caste Category shall be determined on the basis of list published by UP Govt.

New Date UPCMET Entrance Exam Date 14 May, Saturday 2016 – Revised

UPCMET-2016 Important Instructions

Application Forms of UPCMET – 2016 are available in following modes:

  • Mode–I Information Brochure and OMR Application Form can be obtained in person from the cash counters of the participating member colleges on cash payment of Rs. 1000 & through post from “Coordinator – UPCMET 2016, First Floor, Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly – 243 001” by sending Demand Draft of Rs. 1050/- in favor of “UPUMCWA” payable at “Bareilly” along with two self addressed stickers.
  • Mode-II Downloaded from the website www.upumcwa.org and after printing the same on A-4 sheet, such applications are to be completely filled and sent along with the Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/= in favor of “UPUMCWA” payable at “Bareilly (U.P.)” to the “Coordinator – UPCMET 2016, First Floor, Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly – 243 001”.
  • Mode-III Completely filled Online through the link p r o v i d e d o n t h e w e b s i t e www.upumcwa.org. The candidate is required to upload scanned photograph, signature and thumb impression. The candidate should supply all the required details while filling up the online form. On submission of details, a Confirmation Page with Application No. shall be generated. Candidates are required to take printout of Confirmation Page and keep it for reference. The application fee payment can be made online :

1) By Credit Card. 2) By Debit Card. 3) By Net Banking.
Thereafter, the Confirmation Page is to be sent through Speed Post to the “Coordinator UPCMET 2016, First Floor, Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly – 243 001”.

UPCMET Uttar Pradesh Combined Medical Entrance Test 2016

[1] In case either of the Recent Colored Passport Size Photograph, Left Hand Thumb Impression, or Signatures are not duly uploaded, please put the same on the Confirmation Page before sending the same.
[2] In case of any problem regarding downloading / filling / submission of the application form, please feel free to share the same over email at info@upumcwa.org. If the problems are not solved within 48 hours, one may contact the Coordinator – UPCMET 2016.

  • Mode -IV Information Brochure & OMR Application from can also be purchased from the authorised vendors*.
    *List Available on Website : www.upumcwa.org

Download UPCMET Admission Notification : Session 2016-17

Download (PDF, 346KB)

Candidates are advised to go through all instructions and also check list as printed on the side corner of the envelop containing application form before finally submitting the application form.

Application Form should be filled with utmost care avoiding all kind of overwriting or cuttings. Do not staple pin, wrinkle, scribble, tear, wet or damage the form in any way.

Write your Application Form No. on the envelop along with your address and then put the duly filled in application form & send it by registered post/speed post. Application Forms sent through courier or submitted in person shall in no case be entertained.

The application form complete in all respect should reach to the Co-ordinator UPCMET-2016 latest by
Saturday 30 April, 2016  (Revised)

• UPUMCWA will not be responsible for any delay in receiving of completed application form along with all enclosures either on the part of post office or for any other reason.
• The application form after scrutiny shall be processed and applicant will receive his/her admit card along with roll no. which will allow one to appear in the entrance test.
• Appropriate information regarding centres shall be mentioned on the admit card.

If any document/declaration submitted by the candidate is found to be false at any stage his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she may be liable for prosecutions under law. In case of any legal dispute the jurisdiction will be limited to Bareilly Courts only.

• The candidates are also instructed to note the Application Form No. and to keep photocopy of submitted application form along with proof of having submitted the application form for any future reference.

• Incomplete Application Forms will be rejected.

For further details you may contact:-
E.mail : info@upumcwa.org ; Website : www.upumcwa.org Phone No.: 9897600270 Fax : 0581-2582552
