Rank in AIPMT AIIMS MBBS Merit List advised by S Srivastava

Hi Guys, today we have with us famous Biology Teacher and Author of many Medical Entrance Books Dr. Santosh Srivastava

Dr. S Srivastava advice all medical aspirant for Medical Entrance Test 2016 is Only few Months Ahead
Turn Your Dream into Reality with a New Biology Book

Dear Medical Aspirants!
I am retired Biology teacher (65) from Varanasi, India, Author of the book “Biology for Medical Entrance” (All in One), S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, Helping Medical aspirants all over the World. If you have not yet seen this book, you are missing a chance of acquiring better position! My posts in biology visibly indicate the standard if this book.
Go to the book shop to see this amazing book (Buy or Not). The book explains all topics and articles required for medical entrance in a glorified style. This book is the out come of my 40 years of teaching experience and many years of writing enjoyment. (Pages 1604, Rs 875). Thanks with good wishes.

(Most Informative, Innovative Style of Expression, 60 % Descriptive; 40 % Objective, 1500 Diagrams, 1600 Assertion-Reasons, 60 Pages of Author’s Diary, 64 Chapters, All in One)

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Top Books for Medical Entrance Exam 2016

How to get a Place in AIPMT AIIMS Merit List
  • Assess your intelligence and capability before striding towards this dream. The key of success in AIIMS entrance test lies in cracking 20 Assertion Reason questions which are based on the fact that “Every Scientific and Natural Event have a Cause Behind it”. You can succeed to get a place in the merit if you crack these 20 Key Questions. Deep knowledge of the subject is essential for AIIMS dreamers.
  • The only book in the country that explains all causes behind these scientific and natural events in text form is “Biology for Medical Entrance” S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi, India. The book explains 1600 Assertion Reasons in explanatory text form, which generates full confidence and self-assurance in you. Buy this amazing book and Turn your Dream into Reality This Year!
  • If you have not yet seen the suggested book, you are missing a chance of acquiring better position! This book is different from all other books. My posts in Biology visibly indicate the standard of this book. Go to the book shop to see this book (Buy or Not). The book explains all topics and articles required for medical entrance in a glorified style. (Pages 1604, Rs 875).

(Most Informative, Innovative Style of Expression, 60% Descriptive; 40% Objective, 1500 Diagrams, 1600 Assertion-Reasons, 60 Pages of Author’s Diary, 64 Chapters, All in One)

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Rank in AIPMT AIIMS MBBS Merit List advised by S Srivastava


List of Medical Entrance Exams in India

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